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Indie Feature "Asbury Park" is more than a Film; it represents the Culmination of a Dream Deferred

For Detroit-based Indie Filmmaker Ken "Legend" Williams, his feature 'Asbury Park' has been a long time coming. He wrote, produced and directed the film, a project that only came to fruition, years after putting his dreams on hold.

Williams spoke with I See You Awards® founder Terri Lee Chandler for a feature on WWJ Newsradio 950, Detroit's only all-news radio station. Their conversation is also the topic of Terri's latest podcast episode.

You're invited to listen to their conversation on Terri's podcast, Terri Talks Movies, by clicking here. Not only does Terri ask Williams how he came by his nickname "Legend," she also finds out why he put his dreams on hold and decided to take up filmmaking later in life. Terri's podcast is currently available on the following streaming platforms:

Editor's Note: If you're an indie filmmaker, the 5th Annual I See You Awards®, which recognizes and rewards the achievements of independent filmmakers, will be held in August 2021. Submissions are now being accepted. To submit your project, or for more information on the awards program, click here.

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